Our Stories

Our Stories

TimeOut wouldn't be possible without the generous donors, loving families and brave recipients at the heart of all we do. Each new experience is a story of connection, community and compassion; caring people, coming together to give space their space, time and love to those who need it most. 

Here are some of our stories. 

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Recipient Quotes

  • I have stage 4 cancer & recently stayed in a house arranged by Time Out for my family & I.We are very grateful to all who made this possible. It is the first time we have all been on holiday together since our grandchildren were born so this was a very special time. We had fun, made lots of memories & just enjoyed “chillaxing” together. I want to thank TimeOut staff, donors who generously make their houses available for others to use, or provide funds for food vouchers, cleaners who work hard to make the homes so welcoming for guest families & many others behind the scenes who make these holidays possible.


Holiday Home Owner Quotes

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