Apply for a TimeOut stay

Become a Recipient

TimeOut relies on the accommodation provided by generous donors, who open up their holiday homes for families-in-need. These are much-loved, lived-in properties, so are only available at certain dates throughout the year.

We work hard to provide recipients with the best experience possible. As we rely on generously gifted homes, with limited availability, we may not always be able to provide accommodation in the desired location, or timeframe (we are unable to make requests to our home donors over Christmas/January & public holidays, and school holidays and other peak holiday periods may be difficult to secure). We request stays from our home owners within the following 6 week period with requests varying in length from 2-6 nights.

Who is eligible?

Anyone who has received a stage 4 cancer or an incurable illness diagnosis is eligible to apply for a TimeOut stay

We do require proof of diagnosis and can help to facilitate this. You can apply on your own behalf, or on behalf of a loved one if you will going on the TimeOut Stay with them.

TimeOut define an incurable illness as a disease or condition that cannot be cured and is likely to result in the person dying. The illness needs to be progressive and the prognosis should be 5 years or less to qualify for a stay.

What does it cost?

TimeOut is a charity, so accommodation is free for our recipients. This means no registration, cancellation, or cleaning fees.

As the spaces are donated, we ask that the property is cared for respectfully and cleaned on departure. Transport and food are the responsibility of the guests.

We also encourage and can facilitate contact with the donor family to send messages of thanks or appreciation.

How to Apply:

Apply online, providing proof of illness, accommodation requirements and details of the group applying to stay at the property. The application form must be submitted by the Recipient, or a family/friend who will be going on the TimeOut stay with the Recipient.

The TimeOut team match booking requirements against available properties. If they find a suitable match the request is sent through to the holiday homeowner for consideration.

If the booking request is approved, TimeOut send an email to both the homeowner & the recipient confirming the booking details, sharing contact details, and providing a template agreement between a provider and recipient of holiday accommodation.

TimeOut will touch base with recipient and holiday homeowner prior to the stay & after the stay to ensure everything goes ahead as planned.

You can also learn more about applying for a TimeOut stay here.