Our Stories

Our Stories

TimeOut wouldn't be possible without the generous donors, loving families and brave recipients at the heart of all we do. Each new experience is a story of connection, community and compassion; caring people, coming together to give space their space, time and love to those who need it most. 

Here are some of our stories. 

  • Sheryl - Recipient profile image
    Sheryl - Recipient

Recipient Quotes

  • There are no words that can express how grateful we are for this priceless gift. I told our host they were angels on earth as their gift of a few days will be forever with us. It was a time that I could forget about Dr’s, hospital appointments, treatment and worrying about how to pay for medicine that is not funded to keep me alive. As we have custody of our 7 year old grandson’s there is no money to have the Time Out which is so needed at times. I urge any holiday home owner if you can give 1 week a year to Time Out you give a lifetime of memories for those of us who will be gone before we should. Forever grateful.


Holiday Home Owner Quotes

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