Our Stories

Our Stories

TimeOut wouldn't be possible without the generous donors, loving families and brave recipients at the heart of all we do. Each new experience is a story of connection, community and compassion; caring people, coming together to give space their space, time and love to those who need it most. 

Here are some of our stories. 

  • Sheryl - Recipient profile image
    Sheryl - Recipient
  • Tania - Recipient profile image
    Tania - Recipient
  • Ruby - Recipient profile image
    Ruby - Recipient
  • Penelope - Recipient profile image
    Penelope - Recipient
  • Sharon - Recipient profile image
    Sharon - Recipient
  • Sarah - Recipient profile image
    Sarah - Recipient

Recipient Quotes

  • Thank you very much for providing us a wonderful place to stay in Rotorua. We are really appreciative and thankful to TimeOut. Both of my children enjoyed the stay in Rotorua. And thanks again to TimeOut for providing this opportunity let me have a chance to take my daughter who is 5 years old and has been diagnosed of cancer stage IV, and my family out of Auckland, and has no worries to think of where to stay! Without this opportunity it will be a struggle for me to take them out. I have no words except say thanks to Time Out and the great owner of the house.


Holiday Home Owner Quotes

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